so yesterday morning around 2 I decided that I needed to create a playlist that functioned as a time line for my life. and no, I couldn't do it later. I had to do it then so from 2 am to 5 am I sat in the dark scribbling down songs that I associate with specific childhood memories starting from the age of 3 (because thats about as far back as my memory of music goes). so far i've got a basic list down for my life up to 10th grade.
1. candle in the wind - elton john (age 3 - first ballet recital)
2. I wanna dance - whitney houston (age 3 - first jazz dance recital)
3. respect - aretha franklin - (age 3 - the song that the older group of jazz dancer danced to at a carnival held at my school st. jerome's catholic school. i just remember watching them rehearse and hearing this song and being like what the heck does areeehspee-eeseetee mean?)
4. never there - cake (age 6 - me and my used-to-be best friend julia used to dance to this song in her living room on her blue gymnastics mat)
5. kiss from a rose - seal (age 7-8, i just associate this song with helping my mom remodel our house on 14th ct. in shady banks)
6. its all coming back to me now - celine dion (age 7, also associated with remodeling our house)
7. ironic - alanis morrisette (age 7-8, my mom had her cd jagged little pill as did her best friend susan, who was my best friend julia's mom. i heard the cd a lot...)
8. torn - natalie imbruglia - (age 8, i watched pop up video on vh1 a lot as a child and i remember this song being on there a lot...)
9. one week - bare naked ladies (age 8 - 9, another mom influence. mom had their cd and i used to play it whenever i got to choose which cd was played because it was only one of maybe 5 or 6 of her cds that i actually liked.)
10. fast ball - the way (same explanation as 8 and 9)
11. sonny came home - shawn colvin (age 8-9, saw this music video on vh1 like...every day...i loved the song so much i named my beanie baby seal "sonny")
12. genie in a bottle - christina aguilera (age 9, i got her first cd for christmas 1999. i remember calling into a radio station for ricky martin tickets and when i got connected they asked for my name and i said kristina and then were like "what, christina aguilera?")
13. im blue - eiffel 65 (age 9, my moms boyfriend at the time's son got the eiffel 65 cd for christmas 1999 and he played his cd on the boom box that i got for that christmas too. he basically ripped my christina aguilera cd out of there...what an ass...)
14. lone star - what about now (age 10-11, i associate this with my mom driving me to school in the morning in 5th grade...she used to play lone star every morning for the better part of the year 2000)
15. wide open spaces - the dixie chicks (age 10, i was on a boat with my dad and his friend and the radio was playing and this came on and i really liked it and then i became obsessed with the dixie chicks)
16. man! i feel like a woman - shania twain (age 10-11, my love for the dixie chicks sparked this short country music thing i had and so...yeah...)
17. hit me baby one more time - britney spears (age 8, 9 or 10...cant remember..., i went to finland by myself and i was home sick and my mom sent me a care package with a barbie and britney spears' first cd...)
18. spice up your life - the spice girls (age 8 to 10, i had an obsession with the spice girls. i had their cds, their dolls, t shirts, i watched the movie everytime i went to julia's house and me and my friends played "spice girls".....)
19. wannabe - the spice girls (yep)
20. I want it that way - the backstreet boys (age 10, i liked them for a while but i associate this entire band with one very specific memory where I stayed at my friend bianca's house and we played the backstreet boys cd and snag along and whatever and i remember her sister pretending to be some asian market lady selling us a pillow and kept saying "genuine! genuine! in like a weird asian accent and then her mom made us bagels with peanutbutter....)
21. creep - TLC (no real specific memory, just that i really loved TLC in 4th grade)
22. no scrubs - TLC (that much)
*pardon me - incubus (9 or 10, my dad played this for me and i just kinda sat there. when hhe turned it off he said "what, too intense?" and i replied shyly "yeah"....god i was such a wimp. but i think back and im pretty sure it was the fact that he had the volume all the way up that made it too intense...not the actual music...but still...)
23. say my name - destiny's child (age 10-11, 1. i was listening to their cd on my walkman in class and this girl dara nunez came by and turned up the volume full blast for a second and then walked away laughing while i got over the shock of having my ears blasted. 2. i borrowed this cd from my mom's then boyfriend. hehe)
24. danger - mystikal (NOW 7. nuf said.)
25. let me blow ya mind - eve feat. gwen stefani (NOW 7 nuf said.)
26. crawling - linkin park (age 10-11, first rock band i discovered on my own and liked and still do today)
27. everywhere - michelle branch (age 11-12, saw her on mtv, she is the reason i wanted to play guitar. i wanted an acoustic guitar that was black and faded into blue in the center like hers did, and i found one at a pawn shop but it was too expensive so i got a black fender instead. still have it.)
28. complicated - avril lavigne (age 12 - 13, i saw her on mtv on the tv outside at my cousin's house while i was sitting in their pool. i instantly wanted an electric guitar and a skate board)
29. lifestyles of the rich and the famous - good charlotte (age 13, this was my "rebellious, pop/punk, all black clothing, un happy, angsty teen, wannabe skate boarder" phase...apparently something most girls DON'T go through...because everyone thought i was a total freak. also, my family forced me to give them one of my cds to play in their stereo that blasted through out the entire house and i didnt want to give it to them because i didnt want them to make fun of my music but i finally gave in and gave them my good charlotte cd and when it played they lied and said they liked it. also, for some reason my grandma in finland also forced me to play good charlotte on her stereo. i pressed play and hid in my room and i peaked out of my door and saw her dancing to it while she mopped saying it was great cleaning music...)
30. addicted - simple plan (13, not proud to say that this song had some part in my life at one point...this girl amanda mcdermott used to say im a dick dick to you instead of addicted, thinking it was hilarious....)
31. basketcase - green day (13, got obsessed with green day for a while, had a crush on billie joe armstrong because i thought he looked a lot like this kid eric roberts who i had a crush on at the, me and my friend jessica made "happy green day" shirts for st. pattys day and then we also planned to play guitar and violin for "good riddance" for the talent show, which we never did hehe)
32. im feeling this - blink 182(13-14, i associate this song and their whole last cd as blink 182 with winter in 8th grade when everyone brought blankets and we all huddled together by the black box theatre at parkway because it was like 40 degrees out)
33. fat lip - sum 41 (13-14, I asked my dad to download this song from kazaa and my dad heard the "abortion" lyrics and said "i don't think your mother would want you listening to this". also, I brought this cd to caitlin's house and then a hurricane came and i was stranded at her house for a few days and we locked ourselves in her grandparents room played this song over and over back when i knew the lyrics by heart).
34. the taste of ink - the used (13, this should go before blink 182 but the used wasn't really big in my life until later, 7th grade is just the first time i heard them and i was instantly hooked and they were going to be at warped tour that year...2003. but my parents wouldnt let me go because they thought i was too young...i finally saw them in concert 4 years later.)
35. stairway to heaven - led zeppelin (14, I can't really remember how the switch happened. I do remember trying to learn how to play stairway to heaven on my guitar before having ever heard the song. then it came on the radio one day and i fell in love. then my aunt gave me her house of holly cd.)
36. fell in love with a girl - the white stripes (14, i saw the amazing lego music video for this song at caitlin's house during one of our all nighter fuse watching marathons. )
37. war pigs - black sabbath (14-15, led zeppelin sucked me into this whole classic/psychedelic rock world. only at first, I couldn't listen to black sabbath because of ozzy osbourne who reminded me of tommy and i didn't want that person in my mind. ever.)
38. jimi hendrix - machine gun (14-15, took my dad's jimi hendrix and the band of gypsies cd and played it in my room. machine gun wasn't the first jimi hendrix song i'd ever heard but it was the first one i ever listened to.)
39. an honest mistake - the bravery (14-15, I associate this song and their whole first album with repainting the downstairs bedroom in caitlin's house. I left this cd in caitlins stereo and she has recently informed me that she still has it.)
*im not okay - my chemical romance (14-15, i became aware of this band. it wasnt until i lived in finland in the winter where i had 3 hours of sunlight every day that i actually started to like them.)
40. kissing the lipless - the shins (15, yeah so I discovered the shins from watching garden state who fucking cares. also, i brought this cd to school to introduce the shins to norman and jacqui and i told them that when they hear it they will want to sway side to side while bobbing their bodies up and down oompa loompa style. they were blown away when they did exactly that.)
41. brain eaters - the misfits (15, I got this cd and brought it to school to play it for norman and jacqui. they listened to it and made fun of the fact that they couldn't understand a word danzig sang.)
42. fall to pieces - velvet revolver (15, this WAS my favorite band and i was convinced there would never be a band that would be able to take its place. my dad took me to see them for my 15th birthday and my camera died just as they came on stage. i did a project about them in english class in 10th grade when i went to school in finland.)
43. imortal confessions - avenged sevenfold (15, back in finland when i was stuck in school during the time the sun was out and spent the rest of my time infront of my computer watching music videos. kind of led me to my second all black, rebelious angry phase. yeah i had two of those.)
44. the ghost of you - my chemical romance (15, i played this song on repeat over 20 times in one sitting and it didnt get old. i had my dad send my mp3 player to finland with some songs on it and when he heard mcr he said "do we need to talk about anything?" ahahahaha)
things after this get much more complicated...(too be continued)